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Showing posts from March, 2013

10 Benefits of hiring a Financial planner

       Financial planners are professionals in the field of personal finance as a whole.They are like doctors solving your health problems.You may have diffrerent financial problems,which make your life tough and complicated. Hiring a financial planner is the best option to solve your personal finance issues in a professional way.Let us see the 10 major benefits:  1.Financial planner discuss your dreams,needs and life goals.He will evaluate the whole picture.  2.Financial planner does not sell any thing to you.But, they provide solutions to fulfill your life goals.  3.Financial planner rectify the investment mistakes by an asset allocation strategy suited for you.  4.The recommendations from a financial planner will focus on the betterment of the client.It is different from the sales persons of financial services. 5.Financial planner make an initial plan which will act as a foundation for your life.You will know better savings and ...

Financial awareness initiative

      Financial awareness initiative is an attempt  by to educate the people about savings and financial planning.It follows the guidelines by SEBI , NSE and Financial Planning Standards Board India.These Non Paid sessions are suitable for different groups of people who want to improve their financial discipline and maintain financial freedom in life.     These short awareness sessions are ideal for:      Resident Associations, Professional Bodies, Insurance Companies, Schools & Colleges, Employees of different Companies and various organizations.          Financial awareness initiative spreads the message of savings habit, financial discipline and financial planning.These Short sessions  does not contain selling of any financial product.It provide general rules and scientific approach for financial freedom.   ...

50 Tips to save money

               Savings is not easy in the new era of consumerism and technology.Small precautions in money matters can make big difference in your personal savings.Practice these savings ideas in your daily life.It will help to spend money wisely and improve your savings habit.   1.Save your coins and Put in a box.Use it for Savings purpose.   2.Track your daily expenses.   3.Record your Spendings in a diary.   4.Spend if it is required for a need or goal.make a spending plan.   5.Avoid loose talk over phone and reduce your mobile bills    6.Avoid unnecessary travels by car to save fuel expenses.    7.Control the usage of electricity and water.    8.Don't follow an 'EMI' life.Loans and interest is carving your potential savings    9.Use Emails,Chat,Video chats for Communication.    10.Don't apply for fresh loans.    11.Payoff High interest loans. ...